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NT Certificate of Education & Training

NT Certificate of Education & Training

What is the NTCET?

Students who successfully complete their senior secondary education are awarded the Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET). The NTCET will assist students develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed – whether they are headed for further education, training, an apprenticeship or straight into the workforce. The certificate is based on two stages of achievement:

Stage 1 (usually undertaken in Year 11) and Stage 2 (usually undertaken in Year 12).

How do students get the NTCET?

Students can gain their NTCET in the equivalent of two years of full-time study; however, most students spread this over three years. There are two stages:

  • Stage 1, which most students do in Year 11, (the Personal Learning Plan is usually completed in Year 10)
  • Stage 2, which most students do in Year 12.

Each subject or course successfully completed earns ‘credits’ towards the NTCET, with a minimum of 200 credits required for students to gain the certificate.

How are subjects graded?

Students will receive a grade from A to E for each subject (A+ to E- at Stage 2). For compulsory subjects, they will need to achieve a C grade or better.

NTCET Completion Requirements

The Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET) qualification is designed to recognise the knowledge and skills that have been acquired through formal education and training.

Students must achieve an A, B or C for all the compulsory subjects and courses. This includes:

An A, B or C for the PLP (Personal Learning Plan)
An A, B or C for at least one semester of Mathematics at Stage 1 Level
An A, B or C for two semesters of English at Stage 1 or 2 Level

Students must achieve an A, B or C in 140 credits and achieve 200 credits in total.

* The dotted line represents ATAR requirement.

What is compulsory?

The compulsory subjects are:

  • Personal Learning Plan - 10 credits at Stage 1.
  • Literacy - 20 credits from a range of English subjects at Stage 1
  • Numeracy - 10 credits from a range of Mathematics subjects at Stage 1
  • Stage 2 subjects totalling at least 60 credits.

The remaining 100 credits can be gained through additional Stage 1 or Stage 2 subjects, VET Courses or SACE Board recognised courses of a student’s choice.

NTCET students are required to complete 140 of the 200 credits at a C grade or better.

Stage 1 Requirements

At Year 11 (Stage 1) students must choose a Mathematics and English subject, which works towards completing the compulsory Stage 1 requirements of achieving a ‘C’ Grade or better in Literacy (20 credits), and Numeracy (10 credits). The Personal Learning Plan (10 credits) is completed during Year 10. At the end of Semester 1, there is some opportunity to change subjects, following the College 'Change of Subject' procedures. In addition, Year 11 students complete a Research Project, a 10 credit Stage 2 subject.

What is the Personal Learning Plan?

The Personal Learning Plan is a compulsory NTCET subject, usually undertaken in Year 10. Students consider their aspirations and research career, training and further study choices to help them map out their future. Students identify goals and plan how to achieve them through school and after finishing the NTCET.

The Personal Learning Plan helps students:

  • identify and research career paths and options, including further education, training and work
  • choose appropriate NTCET subjects and courses based on plans for future work and study
  • consider and access subjects and courses available in and beyond school
  • review their strengths and areas they need to work on, including literacy, numeracy, and information and communication technology skills
  • gain skills for future employment
  • identify their goals and plans for improvement
  • review and adjust their plans to achieve their goals

The Personal Learning Plan contributes 10 credits towards the NTCET. As it is compulsory, students need to achieve a C grade or above.

Stage 2 Requirements

At Year 12 (Stage 2) students should have already met the Stage 1 compulsory requirements in Literacy, Numeracy and the Personal Learning Plan. At Stage 2, to qualify for the Northern Territory Certificate of Education all students must achieve a ‘C’ grade in a minimum of three 20 Credit Subjects. At Good Shepherd all students study four (4) Stage 2 subjects. There is the option of completing an additional 5th subject after consultation and is limited to Specialist Maths or a Continuers Language.